Technical Consultant for Data Science and Software Development over 20 years of experience.
Highly Experienced in Cloud Computing, Full Stack Web Development, Mobile App Development, IoT, Remote Sensing, and GIS.
Experience in Training and Mentoring in Cloud Computing, Android Mobile App Development, Data Science and Machine Learning.

Technical Skills
Data Science and Machine Learning
Business Analytics Excel, Tableau, Google Data Studio
Data Science &
Machine Learning
Python, R
Unsupervised - Clustering
Supervised - Regression, Classification
Recommandation System
Time Series and Forecasting
Development IDE Anaconda Jupyter, Google Colab, Amazon SageMaker, PyCharm

Software Development
Languages C#, Python, JavaScript
R for Data Science
Java for Mobile App Development
Web HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, jQuery
ASP.NET, Angular, Flask
Node.js Express, FastAPI, Flask API, .NET API
Mobile Android Mobile App Development
Database RDBMS - SQL Server 2016, MySQL
NOSQL - MongoDB, AWS DynamoDB
BigData - BigQuery
Development IDE Visual Studio 2019 - ASP.NET
Visual Code - Angular, Node.js, FastAPI, Flask
Android Studio - Mobile App Development

Cloud Computing
AWS EC2, IAM, S3, VPC, Lambda, Elastic Beanstalk, Cloud Watch
RDS, DynamoDB
DevOps GitHub, Jenkins, Dockers

Geo-spatial Technologies
GIS Mapping: GPS, DGPS, Google Earth Pro
QGIS, ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Server, ArcObjects, ArcSDE
Web GIS Development: Google Earth Engine, ArcGIS API for JavaScript, Google Maps API, Leatlet

Civil Engineering
Storm Water Modelling Storm Water Management Model (SWMM)
Flood Modelling HEC-RAS
Water Supply Modelling EPANET, WaterGEMS
BIM AutoCAD 2016, Revit 2016, Infraworks
MS Office MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, MS Project

Last Updated on 11th Jun. 2023